
The strangest and funniest fashion trends of the 2010s 


Summing up the 2010s, LookStyler recalls the most absurd, weird and fun fashion trends of 2010-2019. Some trends of the decade are still relevant, some now seem ridiculous, while others initially raised many questions. 

The strangest and funniest fashion trends of the 2010s 

Ripped Jeans

Ripped jeans peaked in the 2010s.  Sometimes the area of ​​holes even exceeded the area of ​​the surviving sections.

The strangest and funniest fashion trends of the 2010s 
The strangest and funniest fashion trends of the 2010s 
The strangest and funniest fashion trends of the 2010s 

Skinny Men's Jeans 

Skins can definitely be called the main male silhouette of the era. But men's skinny jeans are definitely not something you can take with you in the new decade.

The strangest and funniest fashion trends of the 2010s 
The strangest and funniest fashion trends of the 2010s 

Jokes on T-Shirts

From funny inscriptions to parodies of logos of fashion brands - most likely in your wardrobe there was a flaw of funny t-shirts. 

The strangest and funniest fashion trends of the 2010s 
The strangest and funniest fashion trends of the 2010s 

Sneakers on the Platform

Of course, sneakers on the platform also fall into this selection of oddities in fashion. A strange shoe hybrid, developed by the French brand Isabel Marant, unexpectedly appealed to many women.

The strangest and funniest fashion trends of the 2010s 
The strangest and funniest fashion trends of the 2010s 

Оrthopedic Shoes and Crocses

Оrthopedic shoes can be awkward looking, but you can’t refuse comfort. This led to the popularity of birken stocks (Birkenstock sandals and similar models from other companies) and Crocs rubber slippers. 

The strangest and funniest fashion trends of the 2010s 
The strangest and funniest fashion trends of the 2010s 

Ugg Boots

And a little more about shoes - for some reason this category of wardrobe turned out to be the most experimental in the past decade.  The past decade can be called "the era of ugly shoes". Аnd with tenderness and hatred to recall her main attribute - ugg boots.

The strangest and funniest fashion trends of the 2010s 
The strangest and funniest fashion trends of the 2010s 

Tiny Sunglasses

The newest quickly flashed and just as quickly dying out-trend - very narrow glasses, which literally blew up Instagram last winter. Thanks to social networks, the trend really spread very quickly, dividing the fashionable community into two different camps - non-independents and fans. 

The strangest and funniest fashion trends of the 2010s 
The strangest and funniest fashion trends of the 2010s 

Giant Winter Jackets

And the last on our list are jackets of the unimaginable size that spawned a wave of memes. Here you can thank the brothers Gvasalia: with their forces, the down jacket regained the status of a fashionable thing.

The strangest and funniest fashion trends of the 2010s 
The strangest and funniest fashion trends of the 2010s 
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