
How to wear thin and light summer dresses in Autumn and Winter


In the current season, the trend of combining summer light dresses with warm clothes is relevant. What can cheer up more than a light summer dress under a voluminous down jacket! Moreover, in recent years it has been a very vivid and persistent trend. 

How to wear thin and light summer dresses in Autumn and Winter

In winter, when there are solid black and dark gray colors around, the floral print and light fabric of the dress reminds of warmth and summer! Looks Styler will show you how to wear a summer dress so that it fits harmoniously into the winter look. 

How to wear thin and light summer dresses in Autumn and Winter

Summer dress can be combine with a turtleneck or blouse. For example, a dress in a linen style that could be worn in summer with or without T-shirts. In winter we combine with a turtleneck to make it warmer, or with a blouse - then it will be brighter! On top you can wear a jacket and coat, or a down jacket. 

How to wear thin and light summer dresses in Autumn and Winter
How to wear thin and light summer dresses in Autumn and Winter
How to wear thin and light summer dresses in Autumn and Winter

Another trend of this Fall/Winter season is the combination of a bulky sweater with a light dress. This combination looks very gentle and, at the same time, comfortable. You can combine with military-style boots, sneakers, over the knee boots and even ugg boots. As outerwear, you can put on a fur coat or a down jacket. 

How to wear thin and light summer dresses in Autumn and Winter
How to wear thin and light summer dresses in Autumn and Winter
How to wear thin and light summer dresses in Autumn and Winter

A feminine summer dress looks even more feminine in contrast with a more austere blazer. You can mitigate the severity of the blazer by tying a belt around the waist. This technique will add more sensibility to the whole image.

How to wear thin and light summer dresses in Autumn and Winter
How to wear thin and light summer dresses in Autumn and Winter
How to wear thin and light summer dresses in Autumn and Winter

The combination of femininity and relaxation in the image also creates a combination of a summer dress with a cardigan. It is our favourite combination. Such a contrast attracts attention and emphasizes the elegance of the dress! If you use a sufficiently long and warm cardigan, then in a summer dress even in winter it will not be cold. 

How to wear thin and light summer dresses in Autumn and Winter
How to wear thin and light summer dresses in Autumn and Winter
How to wear thin and light summer dresses in Autumn and Winter
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